Alert Form:  Special Needs

Oakland County Sheriff's Office
Alert Form:  Special Needs

Address where the special needs person resides

If there is an apartment number, enter here

Phone number for residence

Any information that first responders need to know such as afraid of sirens, non-verbal, on a ventilator, do they walk away often, any medication locations, is the person deaf, blind, non-english speaking, allergies etc. Is there a key hidden or garage code to get access to the home?

The above address will be flagged to alert responding police and fire to the special needs information you provided.

For any changes, or to add additional information, contact our Dispatch Center at 248-858-4950. Our Dispatch Center will review this information quarterly and may call you or send you an email from to verify accuracy.

Residences and businesses must be within the confines of the OCSO’s patrol areas in order to have the requests honored.