Request for House Check

Oakland County Sheriff's Office
Request for House Check

Cell or other telephone number where you can be reached while you are away.

Address of the house we are to check.

If applicable, land line for home that is to be checked.

Include a list of all animals in the home and type.

List people who can gain access to the home with a key or code.

Date check is to begin.

Date check is to end.

Include whether you have your mail/paper stopped, whether there will be any cars in the driveway, if the anyone will be stopping by to check on plants/animals and what what type of car they drive. Advise if any lights will be on timers, or if you have notified your alarm company. Include any contact information, or other information pertinent to the home.

Residences and businesses must be within the confines of the OCSO’s patrol areas in order to have the requests honored.